The Black Powder Shooters host two events a year. The first is The Hatchet Jack Memorial on the Sunday before the Super Bowl. This is a primitive event with a small entry fee and 50 cents to a dollar per target, the winner taking half the purse. Sometimes because of the cooler weather it is a real test of your shooting ability under adverse conditions. Remember to bring your mittens.
Our summer shoot is held over Father’s Day weekend. This is a paper shoot with an entry fee and 75 cents per target cost. The shooters compete at different distances for trophies, a turkey, and the traveling trophy. All firearms are to be muzzle loading black powder rifles, pistol, muskets, and shotguns. This also is a social gathering for the shooters who have been returning for many years to re-establish old acquaintances and to make new friends. At this time, there are no special outings for muzzle loader members only.
So, you think you are a good shot? Well, here is a way to show off your stuff. The members only turkey shoot is a time for members to get together and have fun on the range while showing off their shooting skills. Each family has a chance to bring home a turkey by participating in events such as the hanging clay pigeon, 50 yard poker chip, swinging briquettes and trapshooting. This event is usually held in early September. Watch the newsletter for more details.
Members Fishing Contest
This event is usually held in the late summer, watch the newsletter for more details.