DSC Women

Women’s Group Expanded, Upcoming Events, New Leadership Team!

· Meets the third Thursday of the month for range or classroom events.
· Due to popular demand, we will be shooting outdoors during winter months one Saturday each month.
· Suggested donations for group events are $10 for DSC members (men and women) and $15 for our women group members who are NOT members of DSC.

Our instructors and RSOs are all volunteers. We rely completely on donations. If you are so inclined, any amount over and above the suggested is appreciated! This helps cover the cost of range and training supplies.
Due to interest in and support for our shooting group to be co-ed, we have opened up attendance to spouses/SO and family members of the women’s shooting group mailing list, provided the men are currently members of DSC.*

Our primary purpose has and will continue to be to provide a safe and comfortable experience for women who are new to shooting or wish to advance skills. We have welcomed the men as partners in accomplishing this goal. Our “guys” have been a positive addition to our shooting group and we are
glad to have them! We provide individual instruction and coaching to all members, having both women and men instructors to accommodate this need.

Instructors and range safety officers are at each event to provide assistance to newer shooters and ensure that safety protocols are followed! If your goal is to connect with other shooters, learn proper techniques, advance your
skills and have FUN, join us!

*If you are currently on our women’s mailing list and have a spouse/SO or male family member who is a member of DSC (21 years of age or older) and would like to shoot with this group, he is welcome to join us! Must provide membership ID.

· Thursday November 16: Basic Pistol class, 5:45-8:30 pm, DSC Clubhouse
· Saturday December 2: Winter Shoot at DSC, 1:00-3:00 pm. Heated Trap Shack & warm beverages will be available!
· Friday, December 8: DSC Members Christmas Party
· Thursday, January 18, 2024: Annual Handgun Cleaning Class!
· Thursday, February 15, 2024: TBA

We are pleased to announce our new Leadership Team and welcome Gene Hanson as our new Co-Leader and instructor. Here is your team:
Ann Finelli: Co-Leader, USCCA Certified Instructor CCHD WHSD, NRA Certified Pistol Instructor- Basic Pistol, NRA Certified RSO, Chapter Leader Instructor: Armed Women of America
Gene Hanson: Co-Leader, NRA Certified Instructor- Basic Pistol
Donna Stundahl: NRA Certified Instructor- Basic Pistol, NRA Certified RSO
Jan Hanson: NRA Certified RSO

To join our Shooting Group, contact Ann Finelli at dscwomenmn@gmail.com

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